Council members are the voice of the IU Bloomington community in the shared-governance process. Serving on the Council is a great way to get to know and engage with colleagues and administrators from across the campus.
Make an impact
Responsibilities of a council member
BFC members are expected to:
- Serve a two-year term starting July 1 of the year they are elected;
- Attend BFC meetings regularly or send a proxy. The BFC meets from 2:30-4:30 on various Tuesday's during the fall and spring semesters;
- Serve on a BFC committee; and
- To the extent possible, communicate with constituents to inform them of current issues and to gather a sense of their views.
Interested? Here’s how to run
If you are interested in representing your voting unit, you may self-nominate to run in your unit or, if you are tenure-track faculty, as an at-large representative. Candidates are verified for eligibility, and all nominees are placed on the ballot in the general election.