The Student Academic Appointee Affairs Committee studies existing problems of SAAs and attempts to anticipate future problems and recommends improvements in policies concerning the role of SAAs, helping in the implementation of these changes.
2024-25 Assignments
- Continue to advance priorities for improving the experience of SAAs laid out by the Task Force on Graduate Education, as well as those identified in the IUB 2030 strategic plan.
- Review SAA policies, outside the grievance processes, to assess and determine if any updates are needed to reflect current practice.
- Work with the Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning to establish modules/workshops to assist SAAs in understanding SEA 202.
2024-25 Members
Carolyn Calloway-Thomas, African American and African Diaspora Studies
Matthew Jackson, GPSG-SAA Representative
Elijah Beaton GPSG-SAA Representative | Michael McCarthy GPSG-SAA Representative |
Deborah Snaddon Chemistry | David Daleke Dean for the IUB Graduate School and Vice Provost for Graduate Education and Health Sciences (Ex-officio) |
Jessica Lester Associate Vice Provost for Faculty and Academic Affairs (Ex-officio) |