Student Affairs Committee

The Student Affairs Committee considers such matters as establishing and maintaining the best possible student-faculty relations, receiving and reviewing communications regarding student problems and issues, advising the various offices and agencies of the University regarding student affairs.

2024-25 Assignments

  1. Continue work on proposed changes to the student academic misconduct procedures.
  2. Collaborate with IUSG to explore and report out on syllabus-posting policy requirements and the feasibility of a syllabus clearinghouse for students.
  3. Establish a working group with student leaders to create a best practices guide for how to incorporate student voices into committees that often only have one or two students representing the entire student population.
  4. Collaborate with EPC and Long Range Planning around discussions focused on re-envisioning general education, first-year experience, and experiential learning programs.

2024-25 Members

Bryant Paul, The Media School
Catherine Sherwood-Laughlin
, School of Public Health 

Denvil Duncan
School of Public and Environmental Affairs
Heather Eastman-Mueller
School of Public Health - Applied Health Science
Chase Gamblin
Eskenazi School of Art, Architecture + Design
Robert Gonyea
School of Education
Marty Pieratt
Kelley School of Business
Willa Liburd Tavernier
Veronica Salama
IU Student Government Representative
Jenny Koo
GPSG Representative
David Daleke, (Ex-officio)
Vice Provost for Graduate Education
Lamar Hylton, (Ex-officio)
Vice Provost for Student Life
Kathy Adams Riester, (Ex-officio)
Associate Vice Provost and Dean of Students
Jeff Rutherford, (Ex-officio)
Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs Graduate School
Libby Spotts, (Ex-officio)
Student Conduct