The Student Affairs Committee considers such matters as establishing and maintaining the best possible student-faculty relations, receiving and reviewing communications regarding student problems and issues, advising the various offices and agencies of the University regarding student affairs.
2024-25 Assignments
- Continue work on proposed changes to the student academic misconduct procedures.
- Collaborate with IUSG to explore and report out on syllabus-posting policy requirements and the feasibility of a syllabus clearinghouse for students.
- Establish a working group with student leaders to create a best practices guide for how to incorporate student voices into committees that often only have one or two students representing the entire student population.
- Collaborate with EPC and Long Range Planning around discussions focused on re-envisioning general education, first-year experience, and experiential learning programs.
2024-25 Members
Bryant Paul, The Media School
Catherine Sherwood-Laughlin, School of Public Health
Denvil Duncan School of Public and Environmental Affairs | Heather Eastman-Mueller School of Public Health - Applied Health Science |
Chase Gamblin Eskenazi School of Art, Architecture + Design | Robert Gonyea School of Education |
Marty Pieratt Kelley School of Business | Willa Liburd Tavernier Libraries |
Veronica Salama IU Student Government Representative | Jenny Koo GPSG Representative |
David Daleke, (Ex-officio) Vice Provost for Graduate Education | Lamar Hylton, (Ex-officio) Vice Provost for Student Life |
Kathy Adams Riester, (Ex-officio) Associate Vice Provost and Dean of Students | Jeff Rutherford, (Ex-officio) Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs Graduate School |
Libby Spotts, (Ex-officio) Senior Associate Dean of Students |